Publications Experience Open Source Teaching Blog

Flavio Vinicius Diniz de Figueiredo

Hello, and welcome to my home page. Currently, I work as a Professor @ UFMG. Mostly, I perform research in data science and machine learning focused on complex datasets, mainly on human and social behavior. My research is performed an LabUAI. I hold a PhD in Computer Science from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), as well as a BSc also in Computer Science from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG).

Publications (sorted by year)

Conference, journal and workshop papers (English)

  • Measuring disruption in song similarity networks
    Felipe Falcão, Nazareno Andrade, Flavio Figueiredo, Diego Silva and Fabio Morais
    International Symposium for Music Information Retrieval ISMIR 2020

  • Understanding Targeted Video-Ads in Children’s Content
    Flavio Figueiredo, Felipe Giori, Guilherme Soares, Mariana M. Arantes, Fabricio Benevenuto and Jussara M Almeira
    ACM Hypertext Conference - HT 2020

  • Networked Point Process Models Under the Lens of Scrutiny
    Guilherme Borges, Flavio Figueiredo, Pedro O. S. Vaz de Melo, Renato M. Assunção
    European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery - ECML/PKDD 2020

  • Quantifying Disruptive Influence in the AllMusic Guide
    Flavio Figueiredo and Nazareno Andrade
    International Symposium for Music Information Retrieval ISMIR 2019
    We fixed some minor typos found in the published version
    PDF  Code + Data

  • Analyzing and Modeling User Curiosity in Online Content Consumption: A LastFM Case Study
    Alexandre M. Souza, Flavio Figueiredo and Jussara M. Almeida
    Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining - ASONAM 2019

  • Towards Understanding Political Interactions on Instagram.
    Martino Trevisan, Luca Vassio, Idilio Drago, Marco Mellia, Fabricio Murai, Flavio Figueiredo, Ana Paula Couto da Silva, Jussara M. Almeida
    ACM Hypertext Conference - HT 2019
    PDF  Website

  • The Effect of Audiences on the User Experience with Conversational Interfaces in Physical Spaces
    Heloisa Candello, Claudio Pinhanez, Mauro Pichiliani, Paulo Cavalin, Flavio Figueiredo, Marisa Vasconcelos, Haylla Do Carmo
    ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing - CHI 2019

  • Fast Estimation of Causal Interactions using Wold Processes
    Flavio Figueiredo, Guilherme Borges, Pedro O. S. Vaz de Melo, Renato M. Assunção
    Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) - 2018
    PDF   Code   Preprint

  • Towards Understanding the Consumption of Video-Ads on YouTube
    Mariana Arantes, Flavio Figueiredo, Jussara M. Almeida
    The Journal of Web Science, 2018
    Invited Submission
    PDF   Data

  • An Investigation of User Actions and Experiences when Exposed to YouTube Video Ads
    Mariana Arantes, Flavio Figueiredo, Raquel O. Prates, Jussara M. Almeida
    Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web - 2018

  • Mining and modeling web trajectories from passive traces
    Luca Vassio, Marco Mellia, Flavio Figueiredo, Ana Paula Couto da Silva, Jussara M Almeida
    IEEE International Conference on Big Data (2017)

  • Multiple Images of the City: Unveiling Group-Specific Urban Perceptions through a Crowdsourcing Game
    David Candeia, Flavio Figueiredo, Nazareno Andrade, Daniele Quercia
    ACM Conference on Hypertext - HT 2017

  • Typefaces and the Perception of Humanness in Natural Language Chatbots
    Heloisa Candello, Claudio Pinhanez, Flavio Figueiredo
    ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing - CHI 2017

  • TribeFlow: Mining & Predicting User Trajectories
    Flavio Figueiredo, Bruno Ribeiro, Jussara M. Almeida, Christos Faloutsos
    ACM World Wide Web Conference - WWW 2016
    PDF   Preprint   Code/Data   Presentation

  • A Summary of the TribeFlow Model for Music Discovery Applications
    Flavio Figueiredo, Bruno Ribeiro, Jussara M. Almeida, Christos Faloutsos
    Machine Learning for Music Discovery Workshop @ ICML 2016
    PDF   Presentation

  • Mining Online Music Listening Trajectories
    Flavio Figueiredo, Bruno Ribeiro, Jussara M. Almeida, Nazareno Andrade, Christos Faloutsos
    International Society for Music Information Retrieval - ISMIR 2016.
    There is a mistake in Figure 3 on the conference proceedings. The axis are normalized and the text considers un-normalized values Please use this version.
    PDF   Poster   Code/Data

  • Exploring the Latent Structure of Collaborations in Music Recordings: A Case Study in Jazz
    Nazareno Andrade, Flavio Figueiredo
    International Society for Music Information Retrieval - ISMIR 2016.
    PDF   Poster   Code/Data

  • Understanding Video-Ad Consumption on YouTube: A Measurement Study on User Behavior, Popularity, and Content Properties.
    Mariana Arantes, Flavio Figueiredo, Jussara M. Almeida
    ACM Web Science Conference - WebSci 2016
    Best Student Paper Award
    PDF   Presentation

  • TrendLearner: Early Prediction of Popularity Trends of User Generated Content
    Flavio Figueiredo, Jussara M. Almeida, Marcos André Gonçalves, Fabrício Benevenuto
    Elsevier Information Sciences
    PDF   Preprint   Online

  • Building a Question-Answering Corpus using Social Media and News Articles
    Paulo Cavalin, Flavio Figueiredo, Maira Gatti de Bayser, Luis Moyano, Heloisa Candello, Ana Appel and Renan Souza
    International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese Language - PROPOR 2016

  • Organizing Images from Social Media to Monitor Real World Events
    Paulo Cavalin, Flavio Figueiredo, Maira Gatti de Bayser, Claudio Pinhanez
    Workshop of Industry Applications @ SIBGRAPI 2016
    Best Workshop Paper Award

  • Modeling and Mining Information Popularity Online
    Flavio Figueiredo
    Netsci-X (Presentation only) - 2015

  • On the Dynamics of Social Media Popularity: A YouTube Case Study
    Flavio Figueiredo, Jussara M. Almeida, Marcos André Gonçalves, Fabrício Benevenuto
    ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT).
    PDF   Preprint   Data

  • Improving the Effectiveness of Content Popularity Prediction Methods using Time Series Trends
    Flavio Figueiredo, Marcos André and Jussara M. Almeida
    ECML/PKDD Predictive Analytics Challenge - 2014
    First Place in 2 out of 3 tasks of the challenge

  • Characterizing Scholar Popularity: A Case Study in the Computer Science Research Community
    Glauber D. Gonçalves, Flavio Figueiredo, Marcos André and Jussara M. Almeida
    ACM Conference on Digital Libraries - DL 2014
    Honarable Mention for Best Student Paper

  • Revisit Behavior in Social Media: The Phoenix-R Model and Discoveries
    Flavio Figueiredo, Jussara M. Almeida, Yasuko Matsubara, Bruno Ribeiro, Christos Faloutsos
    European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery - ECML/PKDD 2014
    PDF   Preprint   Code   Presentation

  • Does Content Determine Information Popularity in Social Media?
    Flavio Figueiredo, Jussara M. Almeida, Fabricio Benevenuto, Krishna P. Gummadi.
    ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing - CHI 2014
    PDF   Data/Code   Presentation

  • On the Prediction of Popularity Trends for User Generated Videos
    Flavio Figueiredo
    International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining - WSDM 2013

  • Assessing the Quality of Textual Features in Social Media
    Flavio Figueiredo, Fabiano Belém, Henrique Pinto, Jussara Almeida, Marcos Gonçalves, David Fernandes, Edleno Moura.
    Information Processing Management.

  • The Tube over Time: Characterizing Popularity Growth of YouTube Videos
    Flavio Figueiredo, Fabricio Benevenuto, Jussara Almeida
    ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining - WSDM 2011
    PDF   Poster PDF   Poster PPT   Data   Code

  • Content Popularity Evolution in OSNs
    Flavio Figueiredo, Fabricio Benevenuto, Jussara Almeida
    In Thesis and Disserations Workshop - WebMedia 2011

  • On the Quality of Information for Web 2.0 Services
    Jussara Almeida, Marcos Gonçalves, Flavio Figueiredo, Fabiano Belém, Henrique Pinto
    IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 14, no. 6, pp. 47-55, Nov./Dec. 2010, http://doi:10.1109/MIC.2010.102

  • Assessing the Value of Contributions in Tagging Systems
    Elizeu Santos-Neto, Flavio Figueiredo, Jussara Almeida, Miranda Mowbray, Marcos Gonçalves, Matei Ripeanu
    IEEE International Symposium on Social Intelligence and Networking - SIN’2010

  • Evidence of Quality of Textual Features on the Web 2.0
    Flavio Figueiredo, Fabiano Belém, Henrique Pinto, Jussara Almeida, Marcos Gonçalves, David Fernandes, Edleno Moura, Marco Cristo.
    ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM 2009
    PDF   Presentation

  • On the Planning of a Hybrid IT Infrastructure
    Paulo Ditarso, Flavio de Figueiredo, David Candeia, Francisco Brasileiro, Alvaro Coelho.
    Network Operations and Management Symposium - NOMS 2008

  • On the Impact of Choice in Multi-Service P2P Grids
    Alvaro Coelho, Paulo Ditarso., Flavio de Figueiredo, David Candeia, Francisco Brasileiro
    Workshop on Business Driven IT Management held in conjunction with the Network Operations and Management Symposium - NOMS 2008

  • Bridging the High Performance Computing Gap: the OurGrid Experience
    Francisco Brasileiro, Eliane Araújo, William Voorsluys, Milena Oliveira, Flavio Figueiredo Latin America Grid Workshop - LAGrid07, held in conjunction with CCGrid 2007

  • Implementing a Distributed Execution Service for a Grid Broker
    Flavio Figueiredo, Francisco V. Brasileiro, Andrey E. Brito.
    Fault Tolerance Workshop in conjunction with the Brazilian Symposium of Computer Networks PDF

Tech Reports

  • Assessing the Value of Peer-Produced Information for Exploratory Search
    Elizeu Santos-Neto, Flavio Figueiredo, Nigini Oliveira, Nazareno Andrade, Jussara Almeida, Matei Ripeanu
    Arxix   Code

Conference papers (Portuguese)

  • Uma Caracterização dos Padrões de Navegação de Usuários em uma Aplicação Social de Streaming de Vídeo
    Mariana Arantes, Flavio Figueiredo, Jussara M. Almeida
    Brazilian Workshop on Social Network Analysis and Mining (BraSNAM)

  • GreenWeb: Melhorando a Qualidade da Informação na Web 2.0
    Jussara M. Almeida, Marcos A. Gonçalves, Raquel O. Prates, Daniel Hasan, Dílson Guimarães, Diogo R. de Oliveira, Fabiano Belém, Flavio Figueiredo, Hendrickson Langbehn, Henrique Pinto, Raquel Lara, Saulo Ricci, Fabrício Benevenuto.
    Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (Semish) - 2011

  • Caracterizando o Uso e a Qualidade dos Atributos Textuais da Web 2.0
    Flavio Figueiredo, Fabiano Belém, Henrique Pinto, Jussara Almeida, Marcos Gonçalves, David Fernandes, Edleno Moura, Marco Critso.
    Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídia e Web - Webmedia 2009

  • Um portifolio de segurança para um sistema de grade entre pares de livre entrada
    Flavio Figueiredo, Matheus Gaudêncio, Thiago Emmanuel, Rodrigo Miranda, Francisco Brasileiro.
    Workshop on Grid Computing and Applications

  • Girafas: Uma Ferramenta Computacional para Apoio no Ensino de Algoritmos Genéticos
    Flávio Roberto Santos, Flavio Figueiredo, Vinicius F. C. Florentino, Joseana Macêdo Fechine
    Proceedings of the III Brazilian Symposium of Information Systems


  • (PhD) Understanding, Modeling and Predicting the Popularity of Online Content on Social Media Applications
    Flavio Figueiredo
    PDF   Presentation

  • (MsC) Evidências de Qualidade de Atributos Textuais na Web 2.0
    Portuguese only, but check out this paper for a version (journal paper style) in english.
    Flavio Figueiredo


  • Professor @ Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
    • Summary: Computer Science Professor and Data Science Researcher @
  • Research Staff Member @ IBM Research Brazil
    • Summary: Part of the social media and conversational analytics group. At IBM I did research related to data science, social media, and data mining. More specifically, I researched machine learning and information retrieval techniques for chatbot technology. Please check my publications for more information.
    • Manager: Claudio Pinhanez
  • Pos-doc Researcher/Developer
    • Summary: Supervised students in research projects related to data mining. Also performed post-graduate research on: data mining, tensor decomposition and graphical models.
    • Supervisor: Nazareno Andrade
  • PhD Student at the Federal University of Minas Gerais
    • Summary: Researching social media popularity, time series, and user behavior online. Research done as part of Brazil’s National Institute for Web Research(
    • Supervisor: Jussara Almeida
  • Visiting Scholar - Databases Group at Carnegie Mellon University
    • Summary: One year as a visiting scholar working on time series and social media data mining.
    • Supervisor: Christos Faloutsos
  • Visiting Researcher at the Networked Systems Laboratory
    • Summary: Six months as a visiting researcher working on information retrieval, incentive models and a lot of tagging data.
    • Supervisor: Matei Ripeanu
  • MSc Student at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG)
    • Summary: Research done on social network and Web 2.0 sites, with the main objective of extracting evidence of textual data (i.e. tags) data when applied to information retrieval (IR) tasks. Research done for Brazil’s National Institute for Web Research.
    • Supervisor: Jussara Almeida
  • Developer for the OurGrid Project at the Distributed Systems Lab.
    • Summary: During my undergrad studies I was a developer at the Ourgrid project. I worked on developing Ourgrid and also on researching Grid Security, Failure Detection, Business Driven IT Management, and Business Driven Grid Management.
    • Supervisor: Francisco Brasileiro
  • BSc Student at the Federal University of Campina Grande
    • Summary: This is a 4 year degree in Computer Science. During my time at UFCG I was scientific initiation student which translates to: teaching assistant, as well as developer and researcher at the OurGrid project.

Open Source

Code used in publication can be found above, in the Publications section. You can find most of my other code on Github. I try my best to have code and data available with publication, but if you think something is missing, let me know.